Operative laparoscopy for gynecologists and women!
Endosurgery is a website for womens' endoscopic surgery and surgery for endometriosis. In this website, top-notch gynecologic laparoscopy is illustrated. (Japanese page is here.)
Case reports
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (2005.3.10)
Video (2005.3.11)
Is it possible to do safe TLH for very large fibroma of nulli parous woman?
Pelvic sidewall dissection for endometriosis (2005.3.14)
Video (2005.3.14)
Laparoscopic excision of deep infiltrated endometriosis
Partial thickness bowel resection for rectal endometriosis(2005.7.9)
Video (2005.7.9)
Shaving rectal surface is safe procedure for ractal endometriosis
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy for severe endometriosis and adenomyosis(2005.9.1)
Video (2005.9.1)
Fine lysis can be done for severe adhesion by laparoscopy.
Laparoscopic suturing
Pitfalls of laparoscopic suturing Video
Doctors Experts of gynecologic laparoscopy in Japan
Weblog The dream of laparoscopist (written in Japanese)
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